Albany Micro Libraries
Our four Micro Libraries are up and running, ready for you to browse and borrow from.
Not a library member? You can sign up on the spot using your mobile device or use the self-service kiosk to directly access our online membership form and borrow 5 items straight away.
To borrow more - just pop into our main branch on York Street within three months to confirm your membership and collect a library card.
Your card will give you access to the SPYDUS Mobile app so you can manage your loans and electronically save your Library card. you can also use your membership to access thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, and more, for free.
The Micro Libraries are located at:
- Albany Regional Airport
- Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre
- Albany Health Campus
- Child and Parenting Centre Mt Lockyer *NEW*
These libraries contain a small but carefully selected collection of items aimed at providing something for everyone. The collection is regularly refreshed to ensure an up-to-date selection of titles.
For your convenience items can be borrowed and returned at any of our Micro Library locations, as well as our main Library.
Need to know more? Email the library or phone on 6820 3600.